Saturday, June 20, 2009

Updated my blog

I just posted some pics of the boys having a LAN party last night on my blog. Click here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wacked Out Lady

As Jill and I were organizing her office, Jill found those letters below and thought they were hilarious and had to post them, and this is what I found and thought it was hilarious and had to post it. This is a poem Jill Wrote, Exactly as she wrote it (Sorry Jill. I Love you. Chris told me to):

THIS POEM HAS BEEN REMOVED!!! -by Jill... This is the power I have by being the ADMINISTRATOR of the blog. Please don't post it again. If you must share it, save it for the family Christmas party - I don't want it floating around on the internet. Thanks.

Letters from the past

Brooke was helping me to organize my office. We came across some old papers... poems and stories I had written in high school... all of which were so ridiculously stupid and embarrassing. I was crying I was laughing so hard. Anyway, we also found all sorts of letters the family had written to me when I was in Arizona. Mom always wrote nice letters and kept me very much in the loop of the "hampton happenings." Make sure you click on the picture and read the little story mom wrote about Lisa. It's so funny!!!Then there was a letter from Mark... I had to cut off the bottom of the paper on Mark's letter... because he wrote something at the bottom that we definitely don't want posted on the internet. :) And then came sweet letters from Lisa and Brooke. And then this is the letter Dad sent... yes, that's right. A post-it. :) haha. Dad isn't a big letter writer and the little notes always meant so much. You guys are the best... all of your kind words helped me so much when I was far away. Love you all! You are such a blessing to me!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I am sick and tired!

O.K. Just read my last post. Wednesday night. I was planning on taking the kids for FREE root beer floats at Sonic after Mutual. Changed my mind. We have root beer and ice cream at home. Michael and Brooke were disappointed but I told them I was just too tired and besides the entire town of Stockton would be out there and I wasn't going to wait in line for a free float (10 oz. float at that!) They could make a much bigger one at home. As big as they wanted.

Well, when we got home I was parking the car in my usual spot, and backed right into the carport. I saw it. Just didn't register. No real damage. (Yesterday I even went out and, well, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser even took the red paint off.) Came in the house sat down. Uh, oh! I don't feel so good. That is how fast it hits you. Lisa finally came home today from her safe harbor at Jill's house. Everyone has been sick. Well, except for Dad. He never gets sick, except for Cancer.

I am supposed to be working on a Vendor Fair I am participating in at Teran's Store. I am almost ready. Just wanted to talk to my kids. Mark is still up too. ( at 4:24 am! ) Noticed his last comment to me on his post. So, I sent him a text. I guess I should go to bed.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

whats new

So here is what is new in my world, since Jill asked. In case you have not heard we have decided to move the wedding back till next spring probably. We just have a lot to do before November, and Bernice really wants an outside wedding so the spring will make it all so much nicer. The shows are going well, there is a new club in Sacramento opening this weekend and I hopefully will be working there regularly. It is a comedy club/lounge/restaurant so I have applied and maybe will take a part time restaurant job there. It will be a good way for me to guarentee I get regular stage time there and a little extra cash wont hurt either... Also I am working on planning a trip. Im not sure with who or where but in January I said I wanted to go somewhere this year so I have spent the last few days on searching. Any ideas? Maybe it could be a family trip...

so that is what is new with me, how bout you guys?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We have the Plague!

Well, we are just waiting to see which one of us gets sick next. We have the plague. O.K. , it is the flu but it is a bad one. Lisa is at Jill's. We told her DON'T COME HOME! First Brooke. Then Haleigh. Now Michael. Hope Eric is o.k. He was here Sunday when it first hit.

If you haven't been home lately you have not been able to admire the "feed the world" garden Dad has planted. His friend Tim helped him and brought us A LOT of plants that he had started from seeds. We have the first of the crop of Italian Squash, which is different than Zucchini. I did not know that. I thought it was the same thing. I think they taste pretty much the same just look different. Had some for lunch. Anyways, I am going to try some new things with it. I think tonight though I will make a family favorite. Zuuchini Pie. Well, Italian Squash Pie. Remember how much you all like that one? We have A LOT of squash planted but so far all I am finding out there is the Italian Squash, and some yellow squash. LOTS AND LOTS of tomatoes. We had a goat incident so I went and got some new plants. We shall see how those do. Oh, and corn. So far three rows. Lemon cucumbers too. I have been weeding for days. I don't mind weeding so much. Unlike the house it lasts awhile.

Your Cookies are all gone

They are gone because I ate the last 3.

Cracked me up!

I am happy to see all the postings! Although for some reason, when I was reading the last post by Lisa, I had it in my brain that Brent wrote it. So I was totally cracking up at the end when I thought it was Brent proclaiming that he was the biggest DADDY's girl EVER. I was like, "Right on, Brent. That was funny!" But then I realized it was Lisa - not as funny, but still cute. And bytheway, Lisa, there are NO cool words that rhyme with fourth, that's why they stopped the saying at "Third, the turd". Now Mark tell us about your shows and exciting stuff... and also any more plans about the wedding? Did you guys call the temple to reserve the place?

And now for some pictures from this past week for you:And this last picture is from today. James said, "Mommy, take our picture!"

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh Darn >_<

I was hoping to be right after Jill, but had to help Mom out. Then come back to see that both Mom AND Mark just snuk in on me in there. Oh well. Forth the...i'm not sure exactly what cool word ryhms with fourth but I'm it! (it would be just like Brent to sneak his way in there heehee)

Twice a week sounds good Mark! Especially with you and Brent so far away (I miss you guys so much!) and a big "hoopla" for Jill with the blog idea.

I like, everyone else, love all of you so very much. I like that, though we have spread out a bit, we are still a pretty tight nit family. I would also like to use this space to proclame that I AM the biggest daddy's girl, so booyah! (Love ya daddy!)

This is great!

I am very excited for the new blog. I think it is an excellent way for us to keep in touch, and yes especially convenient for Brent and I. I think that it should be mandatory that everyone post twice a week at least that includes Dad! I too love each of you more than you'll ever know and think of each of you constantly. talk to yall soon