Thursday, June 4, 2009

whats new

So here is what is new in my world, since Jill asked. In case you have not heard we have decided to move the wedding back till next spring probably. We just have a lot to do before November, and Bernice really wants an outside wedding so the spring will make it all so much nicer. The shows are going well, there is a new club in Sacramento opening this weekend and I hopefully will be working there regularly. It is a comedy club/lounge/restaurant so I have applied and maybe will take a part time restaurant job there. It will be a good way for me to guarentee I get regular stage time there and a little extra cash wont hurt either... Also I am working on planning a trip. Im not sure with who or where but in January I said I wanted to go somewhere this year so I have spent the last few days on searching. Any ideas? Maybe it could be a family trip...

so that is what is new with me, how bout you guys?


  1. I have been looking at trips as well, though my ideas are bigger than my bank account it seems. Let me know if you see any hot deals. If any of you are interested, I will be picking a day to go to Big Trees this month. I'll keep you "posted".

  2. ya me too jill, ive been building trips around europe. sometimes it is fun just to pretend to schedule it

  3. Good thing we have a family blog. I guess I need to cancel my appointment for the girls to get their hair all beautiful in November. That's o.k. Just let us know what you decide.

    Big Trees is good. I have been looking at cabins in Almanor, again. Sounds like everyone is feeling like they need a vacation!

  4. We probably could get Dad to take a day off for Big Trees. He loves that place. That or the fish hatchery.

  5. ya mom ur gonna have to talk to bernice about that one, she is in charge.

  6. Well, I guess that is how it is supposed to be. I know that is how it is for me. Isn't it?
